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Get Development Bank of Ethiopia's Insight including Profile, Financial Performance, Annual Reports, Board of Directors, Management teams, Products and Services, Contacts and Addresses and much more.

Development Bank of Ethiopia Profile

About Development Bank of Ethiopia

Established in 1909, the Development Bank of Ethiopia (DBE) has been a pivotal force in Ethiopia's economic development journey, offering a range of short, medium, and long-term development credits. DBE's distinctive approach to project-based lending ensures meticulous selection, preparation, and appraisal of projects, leading to close supervision and systematic evaluation throughout their lifecycle. Over the decades, DBE has played a significant role in advancing the nation's economic prosperity, adapting its mission and operations to align with evolving economic policies while maintaining a steadfast commitment to fostering sustainable development.

Throughout its storied history, marked by various name changes and organizational transformations, DBE has remained steadfast in its dedication to facilitating long-term investment financing. Since its reestablishment in 2003, DBE has earned both national and international recognition as a leading channel for development programs funded by bilateral and multilateral sources. Internationally, DBE is esteemed for its crucial role in supporting Ethiopia's economic growth trajectory, while domestically, it continues to excel in providing expertise in long-term investment financing, embodying values such as commitment, integrity, teamwork, and environmental consciousness as it pursues its mission to contribute to Ethiopia's economic transformation vision by 2030.

Contact Address

  • P.O. Box: 1900
  • Phone: +251-115 51 11 88/89
  • Fax: +251-115-51 16 06
  • Email: dbe@ethionet.et
  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Board of Directors

  • H.E. Ato Teklewold Atnafu – Chairperson
  • H.E Ato. Zekarias Erkola 
  • H.E. Girma Amente, (PhD)
  • H.E Ato Tesfaye Daba
  • Ato Netsanet Lemessa
  • Abebe Yitayew (PhD) 
  • Aderajew Shumet (PhD)
  • Ato Michael Hailu 
  • Ato Fikadu Horeta
  • Wro Abaynesh Teshome
  • Ato Tariku Gezahegn - Board Secretary

Risk and Finance Sub-Committee

  • Dr. Abebe Yitayew
  • Ato Netsanet Lemessa
  • Tigest Wedajo - Secretary (Director, Compliance & Risk Management)

Audit Sub-Committee

  • H.E. Ato Zekarias Erkoll - Chairperson
  • H.E. Ato Tesfaye Daba - Member
  • Ato Mekonnen Jaleta - Secretary (Director, Internal Audit Directorate) 

Human Resource Affairs Sub-Committee

  • Dr. Aderajew Shumet - Chairperson
  • Ato Michael Hailu - Member
  • Ato Yeneneh Gizaw - Secretary (Director, Human Resource Management)

Executive Management Team

  • Yohannes Ayalew (PhD) – President
  • Getachew Belay - Acting Vice president corporate
  • Asfaw Abera Olana - Vice President - SME Financing
  • Adane Mehari - Acting Vice President Corporate Industrial Financing
  • Yemisrach Alamneh - Vice President Banking and Finance
  • Getachew Wakie - Vice President Corporate Agricultural

Annual Reports

Please visit https://www.dbe.com.et/index.php/publication/annual-report