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Listed Companies: Ethiopian Securities Exchange

Discover the latest insights on listed companies at the Ethiopian Securities Exchange. Explore comprehensive data, market trends, and financial performance to make informed investment decisions. Stay ahead in the Ethiopian stock market with our up-to-date information

Major Ethiopian companies potentially to be listed on ESX

Intstrument Type
Symbol Description
NIB Nib Bank
ABA Abay Bank
AWA Addis International Bank
AWA Awash Bank
BOA Bank of Abyssinia
BER Berhan Bank
BUN Bunna Bank S.C
CBE Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
COOP Cooperative Bank of Oromia
DASH Dashen Bank
GLOB Global Bank Ethiopia
ENA Enat Bank
LIO Lion International Bank
ORO Oromia Bank
HIB Hibret Bank
WEG Wegagen Bank
ZEM Zemen Bank
DBE Development Bank of Ethiopia
ZAM ZamZam Bank
HIJ Hijra Bank
SII Siinqee Bank
SHA Shabelle Bank
AMH Amhara Bank
AHA Ahadu Bank
GOH Goh Betoch Bank SC
TSE Tsedey Bank
TSE Tsehay Bank
GAD Gadaa Bank S.C
NBE National Bank of Ethiopia
ZISC Zemen Insurance Company S.C.
BIS Bunna Insurance S.C.
LIS Lucy Insurance S.C.
TIS Tsehay Insurance S.C.
BIS Berhan Insurance S.C.
AIS Abay Insurance S.C.
OIC Oromia Insurance Company S.C.
ELGIS Ethio-Life & General Insurance S.C.
LICS Lion Insurance Company S.C.
NICS Nib Insurance Company S.C.
UICS United Insurance Company S.C.
GICS Global Insurance Company S.C.
NICS Nile Insurance Company S.C.
NIS Nyala Insurance S.C.
AICS Africa Insurance Company S.C.
AIS Awash Insurance S.C.
NICE National Insurance Company of Ethiopia (NICE)
EIC Ethiopian Insurance Corporation
ET Ethiopian Airlines