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Get Siinqee Bank's Insight including Profile, Financial Performance, Annual Reports, Board of Directors, Management teams, Products and Services, Contacts and Addresses and much more.

Siinqee Bank Profile

About Siinqee Bank

Founded: 2021

Transformation: Evolved from Oromia Credit and Saving Share Company, Siinqee Bank represents a significant transformation in the Ethiopian banking sector.

Capital: Boasts an impressive capital of Birr 7.1 billion, positioning itself as a formidable player in the financial industry.

Cultural Significance: Named after the Oromo Women’s Cultural Practice, SIINQEE, which symbolizes social power and advocates for women's rights, community cohesion, and peace.

Mission: Dedicated to providing integrated, inclusive, and innovative banking and microfinance services, utilizing state-of-the-art technology and committed employees.

Vision: Strives to be the leading bank in financial inclusion and transformation, empowering society while maximizing stakeholders’ value.

Focus: Special emphasis on financial alternatives and sources of area knowledge, with a commitment to adhering to the spirit of the law.

Leadership: Siinqee Bank aims to lead the charge in revolutionizing Ethiopia's banking landscape, setting new standards for financial inclusion and empowerment.

Innovation: Committed to deploying cutting-edge technology to enhance banking services and meet the evolving needs of its customers and stakeholders.

Community Engagement: Actively engages with local communities, contributing to social development and stability while promoting coexistence and cooperation.

Dedication: Driven by a team of committed, dynamic, and disciplined employees, Siinqee Bank is poised to make a significant impact in Ethiopia's financial sector.

Address and Contact Information

Head Office: Odaa Tower, Kasanchis, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Phone: 251 115 571 118 / 871

Email: info@siinqeebank.com

Board of Directors

  1. Tolesa Gedefa - Chairperson [Member at Audit Sub Committee]
  2. Gemechu Dubiso - Vice Chairperson [Chairperson at Audit Sub Committee]
  3. Meskerem Debebe - Member [Member at Audit Sub Committee]
  4. Bogale Feleke - Member [Chairperson at Risk and Compliance Management Sub Committee]
  5. Motuma Temesgen - Member [Chairperson at HR Affairs and Business Development Sub Committee]
  6. Teshome Adugna (PHD) - Member [Member at HR Affairs and Business Development Sub Committee]
  7. Hussien Usman - Member [Member at HR Affairs and Business Development Sub Committee]
  8. Dereje Liben (Engr.) - Member [Chairperson at Risk and Compliance Management Sub Committee]
  9. Benyam Tafese - Member [Chairperson at Risk and Compliance Management Sub Committee]

Executive Management Team

  1. Neway Megersa – President
  2. Getachew Deressa - VP, Microfinance and Banking Operations
  3. Feyisa Gurmu - VP, Corporate Services
  4. Fekadu Tufa - A/VP, Strategy and Business Development
  5. Chala Lema - VP, HCM and Engineering Services
  6. Samson Eyob - Chief, Information Technology Officer
  7. Awol Zinab - Director, Siinqee Ihsan
  8. Addis Gemechu - Director, Legal Services
  9. Abera Mamo - Chief, Internal Audit
  10. Mekonen Biru - Chief, Risk and Compliance Management

Annual Reports

Please visit https://siinqeebank.com/media/annual-reports/